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Prisma Photonics to monitor more than 1,000 km of Israel’s national electric grid
Source:cTech From:Taiwan Trade & Innovation Center, Tel Aviv Update Time:2023/07/25

Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) has signed an agreement with Prisma Photonics to use optical fibers to monitor 1,000 km on the national transmission grid, which is 20% of the total grid. Prisma Photonics first entered into a cooperation with the IEC in 2020.
Prisma’s solution will monitor events threatening the regular operation of the power network and alert on faults with exact geographical locations. Monitoring will allow better grid management, fast fault response, and increase the grid's reliability. In addition, collected weather and grid data will optimize the existing network, paving the way to better integrate renewable energy sources on the path to net zero emissions and IEC's long-term sustainable vision.
The IEC announced last year that it was investing in Prisma an undisclosed sum believed to be around several million dollars. Prisma raised $20 million last February, including from the likes of Insight Partners, SE Ventures, and Future Energy Ventures. The company, founded in 2017 by Eran Inbar, also recently received an investment from Israel Natural Gas Lines. The investment came one year following an agreement between the companies in which Prisma Photonics implemented its PrismaFlow system for routine monitoring of gas pipeline segments in Israel.
"Prisma Photonics adds an important aspect to Israel Electric Corporation's commitment to innovation, developing and improving our existing grid while facing the growth in power demand and realizing our long-term net zero and renewable energy visions. A reliable, valuable, and accessible electric supply for Israel must be maintained,” said Amir Livne, Senior VP of Strategy and Innovation at the IEC.
"We are extending our coverage to 1,000 km using new technology to a span no one has attempted before. It is an impressive and trustful step by IEC, following our initial collaboration,” said Dr. Eran Inbar, Prisma Photonics CEO. "The extension could improve the Israeli power ecosystem, presenting an innovative solution to market obstacles here, in Israel, and abroad."

Source: https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/sk64gs11ss