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Source:Kolesa.ru From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/09/03

Cars from the USA cannot be imported into Russia from August 1, and from the Old World – from September 26. The ban on the re-export of cars will also affect Belarus.

The Russian car market continues to change due to bans on the export of cars introduced by other countries, as well as due to the increased activity of brands of countries that continue to cooperate with the Russian Federation; in addition, local manufacturers have partially restored the production of cars at their factories. As a result, there is an increase in the Russian market (in relation to last year's low figures), and only Russian and Chinese brands are listed in the list of "best-selling" cars.

As it became known, Georgia has imposed a ban on the re-export of American and European cars to Russia, Business Media reports with reference to the tax service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia. According to the accepted norm, American cars have ceased to be delivered to the Russian Federation since August 1, and European cars will not be sent from September 26. A similar ban applies to the re-export of cars to Belarus.

At the same time, the Ministry of Finance of Georgia explained that it would be possible to send European cars from the country to the Russian Federation until September 25 if the export agreement for them was signed before June 25.

According to the publication, passenger cars are the third largest export product of Georgia supplied to the Russian market. It is known that in the first half of 2023, a total of 3,786 cars were sent to Russia, their total cost was $ 53 million. At the same time, in the first half of 2023, the volume of car deliveries to the Russian Federation increased by 274% (compared to January-June of last year).

Georgia has imposed a ban on the re-export of cars in accordance with the eleventh package of EU sanctions: according to this document, cars with engines exceeding 1,900 cubic cm (1.9 liters), as well as cars with hybrid installations and fully electric "stuffing" cannot be imported into the Russian Federation.

Recall that at the end of last month, Japan also imposed a ban on the export to Russia of all hybrids, electric cars, as well as gasoline and diesel cars with engines of more than 1.9 liters. Both new and used cars fell under this ban. The list also includes some automotive components – car locks, car seats, and tires for large vehicles. The restrictions came into force on August 9. Before that, Japan banned the supply of luxury cars.  The Nikkei agency clarified that the ban on exports to Russia will affect Japanese cars worth more than 6 million yen (48.5 thousand dollars), both new and used, as well as motorcycles worth more than 600 thousand yen (4850 dollars).

The share of cars and spare parts accounted for more than half of the volume of Japanese exports to Russia, which in 2021 amounted to 862.4 billion yen or 6.9 billion US dollars.

The ban on the export of luxury cars may paralyze the activities of the Lexus and Infiniti brands in the Russian Federation, as well as exclude the most expensive Toyota models from the range — a brand that has always been considered near-premium in Russia. However, so far there have been no official statements on this topic from manufacturers and representative offices. Two weeks after the announcement of the ban on the export of cars to Russia, European and American brands also did not declare the termination of activities in Russia — so far we are talking only about suspending deliveries until further orders. Probably, the companies hope for an early stabilization of the geopolitical situation, after which it will be possible to make long-term plans. 

How Kolesa.ru I reported earlier that in the spring of 2022, the United States and Europe introduced restrictions on the supply of cars to the Russian Federation. In the Old World, cars whose price exceeds 50 thousand euros (equivalent to about 5.13 million rubles at the current exchange rate) were banned. In turn, the document prepared by the US Department of Commerce suggests that the restrictions apply to all American-made passenger cars in general.

The United States and Europe imposed a ban on the export of luxury cars to Russia in mid-March, while the concept of "luxury" is different for them. The European authorities banned sending cars worth more than 50 thousand euros to our country, and the US Department of Commerce formulated the document in such a way that all American-made passenger cars, including mythical models, whose working volume of the internal combustion engine is less than 1000 cm3, fell under it.

Source: https://www.kolesa.ru/news/v-rf-bolshe-ne-budut-postupat-amerikanskie-i-evropeyskie-avtomobili-iz-gruzii?ysclid=lkwez2cjl9381721456