
OO tea from Tainan, making handmade pearls daily in stores instead of using factory-made pearls that might contain chemical ingredients. OO tea founders upgrade their brand to a "healthy, fresh, new fashion" concept, and plans to bring the brand abroad. It successfully opened its first overseas store in China and Toronto, Canada in 2017. OO Tea participated in TAITRA’s “Taiwan Franchise Brands Online Trade Meetings-America & Canada”, and successfully found partnerships with American and Canadian buyers. The Canadian buyer had tasted OO tea in Tainan and had a very pleasant conversation during the online meetings, so they decided to launch the brand into the Canadian market. OO tea signed a contract with the Canadian buyer at the end of 2021 and passed the written review of the local decoration design in June 2022. The First store in the Calgary area is expected to be launched in August-September, 2022. OO Tea has also matched a franchisee from San Francisco in the trade meetings and has successfully signed a contract in March 2022. Although the franchisee was not familiar with OO tea before, they saw the other local stores of OO tea are in very good business. The local agent of OO tea also helped to recommend the location of the store. The franchisee finally joined the brand and is about to open the sixth local store of OO tea.